Shalden Historical Society
MF5: Census images 1851 & 1901
Information gleaned therefrom sourced from original Census enumeration returns allows access to original records for inspection digitally
There were 201 persons (104 male, 97 female) over 31 households, most are farm labourers
Henry Holding was the principal farmer of 1,100 acres with 29 labourers
Richard Grinham, was farmer of 220 acres with 7 labourers
James Macnamara was the Curate of Shalden
No house numbers or house names given
Family names appearing include: Knight, White, Cresswell, Cooper, Gates, Hubbard and Holloway among others
Lasham and Shalden are recorded together in 1901 census, the information for Shalden was as follows:
There were 155 persons (75 male, 80 female) over 37 households
John G. Wood, aged 61, holds the Manor and Frank Mangles, aged 61, lives at Shalden Lodge
William Bissett is the Clergyman at Shalden Rectory
Southwood, Village and a few housenames are listed
Occupations are more varied including Gamekeeper, Blacksmith, Bricklayer, Farm Bailiff alongside domestic servants and farm labourers